Tuesday, July 27, 2021

August Training program overview





HERE IS MY PRESENT TRAINING REGIME. I have added some notes about repetitions and also my objectives. If nothing else, I hope it gets at least one person around the world into their dogi and practicing outside their regular dojo-geiko. I'll leave it there for the time being. Osu!!


Basic Training Schedule


·         Am: Walk to Jog and stretch out.

·         Noon or Pm: Home Karate and deep stretch.


·         Am: Walk to Jog, Weights (Torso) and stretch out.


·         Am: Walk to Jog, Weights (Limb) and stretch out.

·         PM: Online Class/Training


·         Am: Walk to Jog and stretch out.


·         Am: Walk to Jog, Weights (Torso) and stretch out.

·         Pm: JKA Training and stretch.


·         Am: Walk to Jog, Weights (Limb) and stretch out.

·         Pm: Home Karate and deep stretch.


·         Am: Walk to Jog and stretch out.

·         Noon: JKA Training and stretch.

·         Daily Calisthenics

·         Daily Stretching





Month One

Week 5-8 

·         Week 5: Jog 10 Seconds and walk for 4 minutes. Repeat till you reach 30-45 minutes.

·         Week 6: Jog 15 Seconds and walk for 4 minutes. Repeat till you reach 30-45 minutes.

·         Week 7: Jog 20 Seconds and walk for 4 minutes. Repeat till you reach 30-45 minutes.

·         Week 8: Jog 30 Seconds and walk for 4 minutes. Repeat till you reach 30-45 minutes.





Daily Calisthenics


·         Calf Raise 50 reps.

·         Free Squats 50 reps.

·         Regular pushups. 50 reps

·         Crunch 50 reps.


Weight training

Exercises- Torso

1.  Flat bench press/Flat flies

2.  Arnold press/Military press

3.  Bent over row

4.  Dead lifts


Exercises- Limb

1.  Goblet squats

2.  Stiff leg dead lifts

3.  Alternating bicep curls

4.  Triceps extensions

Daily stretching


1.  Front/back/ side/ down bends/Reach

2.  Front/back/side lunge/Squat stretches

3.  Laying quad stretch

4.  Butterflies/ Hip twist stretch

5.  Child Pose to Upward Facing Dog

6.  Seated straddle splits-Leans and reach

7.  Shoulder stretch

8.  Chest opener (arms back)



Deep stretching


1. Child’s pose

2. Baby dragon (or low lunge)

3. Hamstring stretch

4. Swan pose (pigeon pose)

5. Straddle fold

6. Half happy baby








その場基本 Sonoba-Kihon- Stationary


1.  Choku zuki

2.  Age uke/Choku zuki

3.  Soto uke/Choku zuki

4.  Uchi uke/Choku zuki

5.  Gedan Barai/Choku zuki


Repetitions: 10 warm up reps—super slow; then, 30 or more reps with maximum speed without compromising form. Pertaining to this point, the concentration on ‘chikara no kyojaku’ and ‘waza no kankyu is high on my ‘sonoba-kihon’ agenda.



移動基本 Ido-Kihon- Moving

1.   Oi-zuki

2.   Mae Geri

3.   Yoko Keage

4.   Yoko Kekomi

5.   Ushiro geri


       Repetitions: 10 warm up reps—five in each directions. Simple and aim to kick higher each rep and each work out.






At the club work on 3 step and 1 step training with students. In the senior class work on 1 step and semi free.  




For the first month back focus on the Heian Katas and work on building up your Kihon and body strength.  Flexibility is super important so focus on stretching between each Kata.  Heian Shodan-Godan and Tekki Shodan.



Base Diet

The Base Diet schedules

Meal Schedule

Meal #1 @ 8:00-9:30:  


The first meal of the day is a “Kick off meal” that will help support your day. A coffee and protein source will help you improve your over all metabolic rate for the date and help satiate you. The focus should be on eating enough to push your metabolism and keeping your calories low enough that you drop weight.


Meal examples:

                    Black Coffee with a sweetener.

                    Metamucil and supplements.

                    Yogurts/Protein bar/Protein shake.


Meal #2 @ 8:00-9:30:  


The second meal is going to be similar to the first meal, it will help you be satiated and help you get through to the next meal. If you consume one thing in the morning, choose a different one for the next meal. Focus on eating clean and pushing yourself to the next level metabolically. It will take a lot of will power but you need to maintain a lower level of calories and as much protein as you can consume.


Meal examples:

                    Black Coffee with a sweetener.


                    Yogurts/Protein bar/Protein shake.




Meal #3 @ 8:00-9:30:  


Your dinner should be made up of a Protein, Veggie and starch. Most of the dinners can be fairly open ended calorie wise as you have room due to low calories all day. Focus instead on eating clean, keeping your cooking clean and not over eating.


Meal examples: (505-660 Calories)

                    Black Coffee with a sweetener. (5 Calories)

                    Protein (Chicken 374, Steak 483, Pork 472, Fish 480 Cal.)

                    Veggies (Frozen/Canned/fresh) (75 Cal.)

                    Starch (Rice- 51 Calories, Potatoes 100 Calories boiled)


Supplement schedule

Round one: 6:30-7:00

·         Water with -One a day multi vitamin, CLA, Glucosamine, Fiber Product

Round two: 11:30-12:30

·         Water with - Probiotic, Glucosamine

Round Three: 4:30-5:30

·         Water with CLA

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